All Members page

This article explains what you can do on the All Members page.

The All members page shows a list of MySail and club or association members (find out more in the article Explained: Members).

By default, this page shows you all members who have been active in the past 12 months. You can use the filter at the top to view all time members, or to narrow the search to members who were active in the past 6 months, 90 days or 30 days.

There is also a filter at the top to view only Verified or Non-verified members.

Basic Member Information

For anyone who is a MySail member, you'll be able to view some details about them here. Providing this information has been entered into the system and the member has accepted our terms acknowledging this information is to be shared with member clubs, you can find the following information about members:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Email address
  4. Phone number
  5. MNA (including authority name and number)
  6. Yacht name.

For members that have been added by the club in the Add Members page and are not current members of MySail, you can add and edit the above details Edit link under Actions. This allows you to add club members who are not using MySail here, so that you have a complete list of your membership database.

The 'MySail member' column shows you whether each person shown here is a MySail member, or not.

Membership Number, Type, Verification & Date

The Membership number, Membership type, Verified member and Member since fields can be used by the club or association to add in membership information.

You can create your own membership types in the 'Add Members' page. These details can be entered when you add a new members or using the 'Edit' link in this page.

Volunteer? Column

If your club has the volunteer management portal turned on, you will see a column called 'Volunteer?'

This column shows which members are also on your Volunteer List, and can also be used to add members as volunteers. Simply change their volunteer status here from 'No' to 'Yes.'

Looking to Crew?

The Looking to crew? column is a great way to identify which members are also currently looking for new crewing positions.

This will show 'Yes' for any member that has a visible crew profile in the MySail Crew Search page. Click the 'View Crew Profile' link under Actions to see their member's crew profile.


There are a few 'Actions' that you can do on this page:

  1. Edit - this is where you can add or edit club membership information as well as basic member information for anyone who is not also a MySail member.
  2. Message - clicking this link opens a screen to send a direct message to that member. 
  3. View Crew Profile - opens the member's crew profile in a new tab.
  4. View Yacht Profile - opens the member's yacht profile in a new tab.
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