How to create and view crew notes
Enter crew notes to help you keep track of important crew information and manage a large crew list.
You can enter Crew Notes in the Crew Details page. This page is accessible from your Crew List or any event Management page, by clicking on each Crew Member's name, which will link to their Crew Details page.
(This function is not available if the crew's status is 'pending,' meaning they have not yet accepted your invitation to join the team).
Crew Notes are private - they are only visible to you or other people who have access to your yacht account. They are not available to other skippers or to the crew themselves.
Crew Notes provides a great place to store any information relating to crew safety (i.e. drugs or medical conditions, allergies), crew competence (i.e. specific skill sets they have) or anything else that will help you select and manage your team.