How to update your account settings

This article describes how to update your account settings in MySail.

The Account Settings section is where you can save and share your contact details, sailing registrations, qualifications and emergency contact information.

Details you save here are available to the skippers of yachts that you race on (when you join their crew list) and may be available to race organisers when you participate in their events. 

Adding details here is optional, but it is a great place for you to keep track of this information, as well as share it with others.

We suggest asking your crew to enter their details here. As the skipper you can then easily access these when required for race registration or in an emergency.

To access this section, click on the Account menu (where you see your name) in the top right, and select Account Settings. You can then use the navigation bar to move between the sections, which are:

  1. Personal details;
  2. Sailing details;
  3. Emergency contact;
  4. Safety equipment; and
  5. Qualifications.

Note: In the Sailing Details page we ask for 'MNA' authority and number. MNA stands for Member National Authority and is the governing body for sailing in your country. For example, in Australia this is Australian Sailing, in New Zealand this is Yachting New Zealand and in Canada this is Sail Canada.

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