Product Updates: April 2024

Updates to Messages page in Club Portal

We updated the Club Portal Messages page to improve the UI and usability of this page.

This page now has a simple and intuitive layout that clearly shows all sent messages, when they were sent, recipients, and if email and/or SMS notifications were also sent.

New Signup Feature for the Club Portal

We added a new club portal signup page to make it easier for verified club administrators to get access to the club portal and manage their club page.

This includes a verification step to ensure that only verified club administrators or staff members can access the portal for their club.

Club administrators can now update their public club page 

We added a new page in the club portal where administrators can update their details in their public club page

This new Edit Club Details page allows club administrators to update their club logo, feature image, description, and all other public details.

Updates to Club Pages

We made several updates to improve the club pages.

  1. Fixed a bug with the social media links to ensure these work correctly.
  2. Tweaked some of the UI to improve the usability of these pages in desktop and mobile.
  3. Added a claim your club’ feature at the bottom of these pages so verified administrators of the club can easily sign up and mage their club profile.

Updates to Membership Page

We made several updates to the Membership page and membership options:

  1. Pricing is now available in USD and NZD for our members located in these countries (as well as AUD).
  2. We added a 6-month option for members who are not sailing year-round and so do not need access to MySail for 12 months a year. This subscription option offers a better monthly rate than the monthly plan, with more flexibility than the yearly plan.
  3. We updated subscription information shown in this page for premium members so they can easily see what plan they are on, their next renewal date and the currency they’re paying.
  4. After a successful sign up, members are now redirected to a new confirmation page to make it clear their sign up was successful and show them some recommended next steps.

Bug fix for group message email notifications

We fixed a bug which was preventing email notifications from being sent for group message replies. When you send a reply to a group message, an email notification will now also be sent to all of the members of that message thread.

This bug was not affecting group messages and not individual messages - email notifications are being sent correctly for all individual messages.

Bug fix for edit crew wanted ad function

We fixed a bug with the crew wanted ad edit function which meant the edit page was not populating correctly with existing data and new data was not being saved correctly. Now when you go to an existing crew wanted ad and click Edit Position, the page you navigate too will be pre-populated with the existing details for the crew wanted ad and clicking save will save the new details correctly. 

Bug fix in schedule page - calendar view

We fixed a bug in the Schedule page - Calendar view that meant multiple events in a series were showing on the first date of the series rather than the correct event date. Events are now showing on the correct date in the calendar view.

Bug fixes in the club portal

We fixed a couple of UI and usability issues in the club portal, including:

  1. UI issues in the All Sailors page that mean the filters /selectors at the top of the page were sometimes overlapping on smaller screens.
  2. Issues in All Races & Events page UI when there were no upcoming events scheduled.
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